Özkan Zere

Don't just book it - Thomas Cook it!

"You don't have to change, survival is not mandatory..."  William  Edwards Deming

Imagine we are running a company with an history of 178 years. 

22 thousand people are working for us.

The purpose of a company is to have a customer: We are serving 19 million customers per year.

If only we were able to make 1 Sterling per customer on the bottom line...

If we are losing money down the drain, we better say Goodbye to our sinking ship gracefully...


In order to survive, we always need to revive, revive, REVIVE!!!

R E V I V E ! ! !

In order to REVIVE; 

Selectively forget The Past, we must. 
     (Stop doing what's not valid anymore. NOW!) 
Only then, we may have available resources for The New...
     (Start doing something new and uncertain. NOW!)
Keep the steam up for what is still valid, we should. 
     (Keep the engine running and save the day. NOW!)

O Mighty Leaders of Giant Companies; change is vital for our survival.

And Managing Today and Creating Tomorrow are 2 separate things... 

These TWO... Need different skill-sets... Need separate dedicated TEAMS...

Choose long term over short term and start investing in the future, WE MIGHT and WE MUST...

Do we have A TEAM solely dedicated working for OUR FUTURE?


OZ The Voyager

September 23, 2019

Upon the collapse of Thomas Cook

The below link I have resumed with my wording above is a resume of a GIANT COLLAPSE, official as of today... Sad but true... Lessons included for every leader who are ready to wake up to REALITY... 
