Özkan Zere

Agile Mind Quick Feet ~ OZ Talks

"It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory." 

W. Edwards Deming

As individuals and companies, in order to exist in the future, we need to be innovative. 

If we want to dive into innovation, we have to accept the fact that: Learnings First, Earnings Next.

If we want to be an innovative company, if we want to be an innovative and creative person, the main characteristic we need to possess is to be a quick learner. So we need to be a Curious Explorer and we need to learn quickly.

A famous innovation quote by Mike Tyson says, everybody's got a plan until they get punched in the face. Oh yes, life will punch us hard in the face, and we have to get back up on our feet just like we did when learning to walk.

If we want to create a team of innovation, we will definitely be looking for team members with a growth mindset:

- The team will be curiously exploring new and uncertain ideas. 

- The ideas will be punched in the face by real life tests. (market validation)

- The team will have an AGILE MIND and learn from every hit they take and they won't get hit by the same idea over and over again. (growth mindset)

- The the team will have a QUICK FEET and they will get back up quickly on their feet. They won't give up no matter how hard life hits their idea. (grit)

- The team will learn, iterate, learn, iterate, learn, iterate until the final version of the idea brings value to the market, and EARNINGS get on the stage.

If you and your company want to learn more about this content, let's get together and explore curiously.

Özkan Zere

#OZTalks #OZWorkshops
#AgileMindQuickFeet #Innovation
#GrowthMindset #Grit

Photo by Dušan veverkolog on Unsplash