OZ Workshops
OZ Workshops are search expeditions for leaders.
We start with self-reconnaissance of the leadership team.
The journey entails a close look at our society as well as a helicopter view.
A multi perspective approach leads us to our Crystal Clear Goal.
Aligning all members of the society is accomplished through
Discovery Based Learning and Result Oriented Conversations.
OZ Workshops
Designed in accordance with your requirements, OZ Workshops may be planned as half day mini workshops, one or two days, as the need be.
Each participant or the team leave the workshops with action plans and the tools and methods to get into action and start actually doing something different on Monday.
Everyone is always involved in the individual or team activities, thus always in the flow.
Full time focus and attention is the currency of our workshops.
Ideal number of participants may change in accordance with the expected outcome and the profiling of the people to attend the workshop.
Discovery Based Learning and Results-driven Conversations are methods in practice within our workshops.
Suggested Topics & Content for OZ Talks
Gem To Jewel
Time for inner reflection. Life is Long. Careers are Short. A fresh look into our talents, strengths, skills. It is never to late to find a new vocation to fall in love. Are you in your element? Are you in the Flow ? When was the last time you did something for the first time? Let's get into action, try something new. Let's tap into our unexplored potential.
OZ Workshops is on the move with “Is This Your Best Version?” motto.
Positive Leader
Whether we are aware or not, we are the leading character in a script we have written. And who do you think is directing this play? It is time to rewrite scenario and delete the unuseful applications encoded in our minds. Let's care for our smart minds as well as our smartphones. Let's be mindful. Let's choose a positive state of mind, and then broadcast happiness.
OZ Workshops is on the road with a “Forward Looking Positive State of Mind”.
Adaptable Leader
The best way to predict the future is not to think and talk but to get into action and do something about it. Now is the right time to unlearn and relearn. And making change stick in our DNA is our no 1 priority. We are on the road for a worthy ideal or goal, day and night. We are continuously recreating the game. It is also the time for a Helicopter View. Are we doing the right thing? We are nomads, looking for a better place to live. Always. We are ready to change before we have to.
OZ Workshops is offering us abundance by “Less Talk, More Walk”.
Creative Leader
The journey for some place new and unknown. Courage for the first step. Get out there and sing your song before you think you are ready. Time to wake up the Curious Explorer inside. We are taking a leap to our learning zone, leaving the comfort cone behind. The ideas come out Raw, not fully Formed. Only through resilience, we achieve success. We get up back on our feet and keep on walking, no matter how hard we get hit. Fall 7 times, Get-up for the 8th. Let's create the future with our own hands.
OZ Workshops kicks off for “Agile Mind Quick Feet”
More Topics and Content are always possible
Leading For Tomorrow - Future Leader - Positive Leadership - Leading Innovation - Managing Oneself - Managing My Team - Managing Opportunities - Managing Goals - Leader's Journey - Self & Others - United Leadership - Leading Oneself - Leading My Team - Values, Mission, Vision Development - Philosophy based Leadership
Change, Innovation, Engagement, Employee Experience, Individual Development, Genuine Leadership are the main topics.
Modular development programs are designed in accordance with the specific needs.
Being Humane is always at the core of OZ Workshops...