Özkan Zere

Rewrite Your Script ~ OZ Talks

The Paradigm Shift Requires Mind Shift

This is not one planet & 8 billion people. This is 8 billion people & 8 billion planets.

Your world exists due to your existence. Your perception creates your unique world in which you are the leading character.

On your life’s stage, are you authentic and genuine, or are you wearing a mask? 

Are you the author of your personal script, or is this just fate or pure chance?

Do you feel that you might rewrite some new chapters for yourself?

It is definitely the right time to create a new world with the right frame of mind.

The same is valid for societies, companies. They all have a social script.

Let's take a good picture of what is today's culture in our company.

And collectively let's decide to change the current social script for a better one.

These are the times to rewrite the personal and social scripts and create a better future as an individual or a company.

Let's get together and dig into these topics, if the ideas seem to resonate with you.

All the best...

Özkan Zere
