Gem to Jewel
Gem to Jewel
A Self Quest Journey
Value Your Time
The average life span on earth for human beings is getting longer. Today, we might create value for 60 years as knowledge workers. Let’s take a snapshot of our endeavours & see how we spend our average day. In an ever changing world, for how long shall we stick to our routines? It’s time for self-reflection & stretching our limits. Let’s create a new ground. Forget about settling down…
Unearth Innate Talents
These are the times when one-year runs like a decade, and yet we are creating value with our skill-sets of the previous century. The bells toll for us all. Being obsolete could be just around the corner. Let’s scan for what is encoded in our DNA, look for our untapped potential and unearth innate talents. We need new wings. Dig within. Therein lies the fountain of life for the curious ones…
Hear Your Pulse
Ever increasing complexity of smart life distanced us from being content. What drives the mill of modern man, fear or love? Your heart runs with a unique rhythm. Listen to what it says. Dare to try new things as joyful experiments. Let’s search for experiences that make us loose track of time. Passion loves adversity. Tune within. Therein lies the instrument of life for the positive ones…
Act For Abundance
Many talented people leave the scene of life without awakening to their potential. And yet, knowing our strengths means nothing unless we put them into practice. Get on your life’s stage and take the leading role. There is abundance in action. Gaining any new skill takes time and effort at first, but in time it pays off. Move into the learning & growth zone. Learn, act, adjust as required & keep pushing…
Have Your Back
The doors don’t open on their own even for the talented and passionate people. The path to self actualisation is not easy. Once we hit the road, the brutal facts will hit us back. We’d better avoid beating ourselves up till exhaustion. Instead, we need to embrace our failures & learn from them. Self critique & self compassion are 2 sides of a coin. Tame the critical voice. Keep the spirit up…